About Me

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Mum of Ella (6) Oliver (2) and William (6months) and idylically married. I am proud of my career in education and love to be active. I was born and grew up in England but currently live just outside of NYC. I have premature osteo-arthritis, with no known cause (physical inujury or genetic link).

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 2 After Surgery

Day 2 After Surgery
Despite all the wake-ups I managed a relatively decent sleep. (though the nightnurse dressed all in white with bleached white hair that shook me awake at 4am, waving a needle and saying in a strong Transylvanian accent "I vant to draw your blood" is still a disturbing image - and I'm  sure I didn't imagine it!)
Due to the improved sleep, and fewer drugs swirling around my system, my nausea was practically gone today. 
I was able to eat a little of each if my meals, which in turn made me feel increasingly stronger through the day. 
It's amazing how, when you feel physically stronger your mental attitude changes too. Yesterday I wondered if I'd made a mistake choosing to operate; if I'd be able to get better; if I could go back to doing what I could do before.  Chris asked me today if some of the previous pain in my hip had now gone. It took me by surprise as I hadn't given a thought to that since the surgery. Yesterday was a tough day, and though today is better, I can still only think of each small step that is in front of me - not the final goal. 

PT involved walking with the walker round the knee and hip unit several times during the day. I also went up and down the practice flight of stairs twice.  My steps are getting more fluid and less painful. The first few steps each time are very hard- as though my right leg doesn't remember what to do without me physically moving it forward with my hands. I  can also get myself on and off the bed though it is slow and painful. There are exercises to do in the bed and on the highchair, these are ok. 
The doctor removed the drain tube from the incision: painless but some impressive blood. It seems to have stopped now though. 
My surgeons assistant discussed that my goal should be to aim towards going home tomorrow. Strangely, after talking to Dr Davidovitch downstairs, he reappeared  an hour later saying that they both felt i should go home today. I'm suspicious about why the sudden decision change.  Maybe when you pick an aggressive surgeon he will continue to be aggressive about all aspects of hip replacement.... Maybe it doesnt look so good if one of his patients doesnt recover as quickly as he advertises? Anyway I'm not ready to go today so tomorrow it is. 

With my higher energy levels I was able to enjoy my visitors more today, also a few hours peace and quiet whilst I had the room to myself with no roommate. 

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