About Me

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Mum of Ella (6) Oliver (2) and William (6months) and idylically married. I am proud of my career in education and love to be active. I was born and grew up in England but currently live just outside of NYC. I have premature osteo-arthritis, with no known cause (physical inujury or genetic link).

Friday, April 6, 2012

5 weeks after surgery. Physiotherapy

I have been in Physiotherapy for 2 weeks now, going two to three times per week.  'Symmetry' in Pelham, NY http://www.symmetrypt.com/.  We focus on stretching, building strength, and balance; the sessions last from between 1 -2 hours.  As I’m learning the routines of exercises I can work more independently and the time is shorter.  It is not difficult but some are uncomfortable.  It’s good to have my boundaries pushed as I’m made to lay on my incision side or balance on one leg whilst bending forwards (thankfully the physiotherapists are trained not to laugh at my wobbles or sideways lurches). 
It has been great to drive again, this was at 3 weeks.  I pottered around locally for the first few days then of course pushed the limits and drive into Manhattan two days in a row causing my leg to painfully swell by the evenings. 
I am now at the point where I feel that pretty much everything is back to normal in terms of day to day activities but maybe that’s the reason I have more pain and swelling again in the evenings.  When it doesn’t hurt and you can get around as you used to it can be hard to limit yourself.  My physiotherapist told me that can be one of the difficulties patients have after the anterior approach hip replacement -  you feel so good so quickly that you can be in danger of doing too much too soon.  I do avoid doing the weekly food shop and don’t chase after my two year old or carry him when he’s throwing a temper tantrum.  I am enjoying swimming (still with a leg float) and biking on the bike trainer but of course no running…yet…


  1. Wow! You are one amazing woman. Full of positive vibes and the will to move forward, truly an inspiration. Please do visit Diversify Stryker Metal on Metal Hip Implants(s)

  2. That Great! Woman has a great willpower. Physiotherapy also done great job. Phsyio helps you after the medical treatment to get relief from pain or any injury even doctor also recommend to the physiotherapist to get normal move of the body function. The Physio Centre Dublin
